Saturday, 21 June 2014

Style Liberation: Anna Bond of Rifle Paper Co.

We all know Anna Bond's beautiful work, I know when I move my walls are going to be covered in her beautiful works.
Having been following her instagram and obsessing over her blog, I have now another reason to want to be her best friend. Girlfriend has amazing style! Classic but contemporary and always has the perfect accessories, she also just got an amazing bob which if I wasn't growing my hair out I would be at my hairdresser with a pic so fast.

Take a look at the following pictures and let me know is you have anyone whose style you want to steal (because you can never have to much style inspiration).

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Obsessions: Leah Goren.

You might not know her name but I'm sure you know her cat dress, this Brooklyn based designer has had a cult following since the now famous dress graced the pages of Rookie and have been worn by the likes of Zooey Deschanel and others, I myself wore a custom cat dress to my own graduation.

Getting this dress was the beginning of a wonderful relationship with Leah Goren designs (and many emails back a forth to and from Leah herself), according to my esty account I average at least one purchase every 6 months. I might have a problem....

Friday, 30 May 2014

Our perspective on the past alters

Do ever think back to a film or play and remember that one dream outfit that one character wore and think if I had that look I could take the world? I do frequently, normally it's just a piece like a jacket or a dress or that one pair of shoe peaking out at me. Most of the time it's not even a main character or an important moment but for me that is the memory I hold on to.

Of course you have 'fashion moments' in film like Dorothy's slippers or Audrey's little black dress, but the moments I'm talking about are different. Sometimes I find like minded people, another viewing companions that will gush with me about them after the show or on a blog later I will find 10 'get the look' or alternatives for one to purchase. Sometimes though this is not the case and I seem to be the only one who noticed say that amazing blue pea-coat Jenny Lee (Jessica Raine) wore in her very last scene of Call the Midwife or Emma Decody's (Bates Hotel) patten clashing genius which happens weekly.

Breakfast at Tiffany's, 1961 Property of Paramount Pictures. Costume designer: Edith Head, Dress by Hubert de Givenchy.
Lately as my sewing skill are improving I have now started looking a back and these pieces that I remember so fondly to attempt to create them for my own wardrobe and am confronted with something that was not my memory, usually not only leaving me disappointed but also instantly forgetting the magical piece that I had in my head for so long.

I wonder if this is how designers start re-interpreting generations of fashion, did the modern day drop waist dress come from a designer miss remembering their studies of the 1920's flapper? I'm sure later they would comment that it was all part of their plan on re-imaging a garment.

I wonder if it's all happy accidents.

Here are some of my favorite moments, that seem somewhat forgotten.

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Set The Tone.

I have been procrastinating about this blog for so long, having read all the advice of popular bloggers on how to start a blog and how to make it successful.
The main point that keep coming up was to decide on the tone of your blog and preset it clear and simple.

Well here’s the thing, this is not the blog that’s going to convince all my readers that I life a beautiful life with a home that comes from the pages of vogue and spend my day trying new trendy cafes and visiting all my designer friends (I wish!). I like many love fashion, design, art film and theatre and  I do aim to fill my life with beauty and well designed items (you should have seen me when I bought a broom, it has multicolored stripes if you were wondering), but I my aim for this space is to create a working representation of what is happening and what I am doing in my life.